The Titan-fall that led to Apex Legends rise

  Apex Legends, the newest Free-To-Play Shooter from Respawn Entertainment, has managed to set the video game world on fire, smashing records for active players daily. Here are the numbers for those interested: 1 Million players in 8 Hours 2.5 Million players in 1 Day! 10 Million players in 3 Days!! 50 Million players in …

The bigger they are… (Indie games decline)

Indie games seem to becoming less indie and more mainstream, popping up in Steam through Greenlight and Kickstarter. The recent boom of them has seen my library jump up in size. Why? Because they are slightly cheaper than the blockbusters and often provide a refreshing experience of the unknown. But there rise must be followed …

Can games be a force for good? (Genes in space)

Games… Seen as great sources of entertainment by those who play them, seen as the devil by those that don’t. And sadly it’s those that don’t that have the largest say in the media world. You hear of murders and serial killers who played the… I’m sorry, “were obsessed with the violent video games that …